Public RAO

Pubblic RAO

Public ​RAO

Design and development of an application to give the possibility to subjects with a public official to carry out the SPID identification of natural persons, for the purposes of issuing the SPID digital identity by accredited Identity Providers (IdP).

SPID is the Public Digital Identity System: it allows all citizens and businesses to use the digital services of the Public Administration and participating private entities in a unique, safe and protected way.

Per ottenere SPID è necessario fornire i propri dati anagrafici per poi procedere al riconoscimento della propria persona: il cittadino può recarsi fisicamente presso un IdP effettuando un riconoscimento de visu, può avviare una videochiamata tramite webcam online, può utilizzare la propria Carta d’Identità Elettronica 3.0 (vedi progetto Identification with technology NFC – SPID) or the Digital Signature.

In the case of this project, the identification to subsequently obtain the digital identity is done through de visu recognition, physically going to the Public RAO desk.

The operator of an R.A.O. public must verify the user's personal identity through a valid identity document and, as a public official, is exempt from acquiring the photostatic image of the document itself.

Once the visual recognition has been carried out, the operator fills in a personal data sheet on the platform with the necessary user data. The application saves the personal data sheet in the agreed exchange format by generating a clear token and encrypting it with an activation code delivered to the user.

Subsequently, through the certificate issued by AgiD to the RAO, an electronic seal is placed on the encrypted token so as to obtain a sealed token.




​The approach used for the development of the R.A.O. is modular: by dividing it into modules it is possible to have a more organized vision of the work, with the possibility of easily modifying existing functions or adding new ones and, consequently, updating the R.A.O. hand in hand with SPID and digitalisation.

For the development of the project, reference is made to the guidelines present on DocsItalia and provided by AgID:


With regard to the creation of the sealed token reference is made to this official document:


And to standards




Initial testing phase

The R.A.O. it underwent an experimental phase in some of the Italian Municipalities which had the opportunity to test the identification process; to allow the Municipalities to experiment, a docker image of the project was created and published at a public IP address.

The municipalities participating in the initiative have requested a certificate from Agid for the seal of the token.


Open Source project

The R.A.O. is an Open Source project and allows users to interact and make changes to the code.

You can reach the repository via the following link:


How has the project evolved?

An Enterprise version has been released with the aim of improving the User Experience, both of the Operator and of the user requesting SPID, simplifying the processes and helping them in compiling, verifying data and viewing results.

The service can be accessed via the following link:

Technologies: Django; Python; CSS Template PA Bootstrap; SQLite; Javascript